soy sauce
bonito stock
500 g tuna
1 onion
1 spring onion
450 g unsalted butter
300 g rice, prepared in bonito stock
10 g salt
1 l soft water
250 ml fresh cream
white truffle
500 ml vegetable oil
Chop fresh tuna into cubes. Marinate the tuna with soy sauce and bonito stock
Chop the spring onion and mince, then deep fry in oil. Cook the rice with Indian cereal and dress it on the plate with the chopped tuna. Season with light salt. Boil the bonito stock while adding the soup stock. When the rice is cooked, add fresh cream slowly then serve on a plate
Cut the white truffle into cubes.
Combine the tuna preparation, the rice and the white truffle along with a soft-boiled egg (or 4-min egg) to make it a tartare. Top with a slice of white truffle