1.5 kg Roscoff onions (raw)
250 g unsalted butter
500 g Roscoff onions
butter-braised (cooked)
350 ml white wine (dry)
150 g butter, 600 ml milk
300 ml cream
6 g salt (1.25% of mixed and passed product)
1 kg Roscoff onions (sliced)
100 g butter, 80 ml balsamic vinegar
40 g sugar, 200 ml cream, 200 ml milk
100 ml onion soup, 10 g butter
lemon juice to taste
500 g heavy cream
5 g Nicator liquorice, 2.5 g salt
0.5 g Lambda carrageenan
1 l milk, 1 l almond milk
250 g marcona almonds
5 g soy lecithin, 10 g salt
50 ml almond oil
Peel and thinly slice onions, slowly braise in butter, no colour. Strain off excess butter and reserve cooked onions. Scale out 500 g of cooked onion. Cook the wine for 5 min to remove raw flavour. Add the rest and cook for a few more minutes. Blend until smooth, pass through fine sieve. Scale out total weight and add salt.
Caramelise the onions with butter on medium heat until dark golden brown. Deglaze with vinegar (preferably 10-year aged balsamic) and sugar, cook off. Add the dairy, cook until onions are almost splitting from the cream. Blend smooth, pass and season with salt.
Combine and season to taste.
Bring cream to 40°C, mix in the rest to activate the carrageenan. Leave to infuse overnight. Whisk before use.
Warm milk. Chop almonds into big pieces. Use large sieve to remove small pieces of almond. Toast the almonds at 150°C for 18 min (low fan). Infuse in the milk for 24 hours. Bring milk to a simmer, blend in all ingredients.
Place one spoon of caramelised onion purée on the dish, followed by the onion soup. Sprinkle toasted almonds, top with almond foam, dust liquorice powder and spoon liquorice cream in the center, followed by the almond oil.