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The Eatery

Czech Republic

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A talk with Pavel Bycek

The kitchen is our stage. Sit back, relax and enjoy a great gastronomic and visual show.
What are your sources of inspiration?
My biggest inspiration is the ingredient itself and its quality. And I am trying to let the ingredient shine.
What is the most inspiring experience you had on your journey to becoming a chef?
In order to fulfill my dream to open a restaurant, I sold two motorcycles, a car and I had to borrow money from my parents.
What is your idea of pleasure?
When everybody arrives to work at time (laugh). This is what makes me happy, but there is not many days like this. Kitchen is a specific environment – something is happening there all the time, it is kind of an adventure.
What is your ultimate dream meal?
The answer are my own recipes. I cook with simple ingredients and I try to transform them into something magical. Transform the ordinary to unordinary. I am living my dream.
What three things would you take with you on a desert island?
A Lamborghini and gas station. I love fast cars.
Why do you love Krug?
I admire the honest approach. Luxury is not the main objective, Krug is about connecting people together.
When is your favourite time to enjoy Krug?
Right in the moring for the perfect breakfast.
What is your favourite Krug food pairing?
My favourite pairing with Krug champagne is again Krug champagne (smile). You don’t need any condiments, you just enjoy it…

The Eatery

Praha - CZ
U Uranie 18
170 00, CZ
603 945 236

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Krug Grande Cuvée
Krug Grande Cuvée
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