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Spain, Madrid

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A talk with Albert Álvarez

Fire is the ultimate origin of everything. In our kitchen, fire is our essential work tool.
How would you describe your culinary philosophy?
Supports the product and a non-intrusive cuisine that respects the raw ingredients. The spotlight is mainly on the gardener and the farmer rather than on the cook.
What is your current culinary obsession?
How would you define your cooking style?
What was the most memorable meal you either cooked or ate?
It was for my mother's 93rd birthday and we cooked for 100 people. The most memorable thing about meals is what is behind each and every moment.
How has the way you cook evolved as your career has progressed?
Every time we are more farmers and ranchers
What is your favourite Krug food pairing?
A Roostiq torrezno.
When is your favourite time to enjoy Krug?
Any moment of the day, any time of the year. Krug is the best champagne in the world.


Madrid - ES
Calle de Augusto Figueroa
28004, ES
(+)34 918 532 434

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Krug Grande Cuvée
Krug Grande Cuvée
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