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The Jane

Antwerpen, Belgium

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A talk with Nick Bril

Entertaining and pleasing people is in my nature. I want to share a little piece of myself with others.
How would you describe your culinary philosophy?
Depending on the season and the product, I look for a unique flavour profile. It’s mainly a gut feeling trajectory. There are so many ways to get excited. It’s this sense of excitement that’s translated into a dish. Travel, world cuisine and different techniques really enhance this feeling, yet it’s always the main product that leads in the creation of a dish. It’s about the usage of beautiful veggies or a delicious piece of fish displayed in a unique and exciting way.
What is your idea of pleasure?
To me, it’s when all the different elements come together as a whole. To enjoy tasty dishes alongside a good glass of wine in an environment where you’re warmly welcomed. A place with a great atmosphere and ambience. If these elements make you, for a moment, forget all the woes of the world, that’s what I would define as a pleasure. Besides work life, I enjoy making memorable trips with my family. For me, travelling is a way to relax and to let go of the hectic life.
What is the most inspiring experience you had on your journey to becoming a chef?
The internships I've done in the past, like the fortnight in Napa Valley at Thomas Keller and two other internships I completed in Japan. Of course, getting rewarded with Michelin Stars is an unforgettable and fantastic experience for a chef.
What was the most memorable meal you either cooked or ate?
An omakase sushi menu prepared by one of Japan's great masters.
Who would you like to share your dream dinner with and why?
My wife
What is most valuable to you?
Professionally: that my hard work, and rigorous vision, always keeps on being translated into beautifully crafted experiences for my guests. Pushing the limits behind the scenes to create unique moments for them. Therefore, you do it. Personally: my two beautiful children
What three things would you take with you on a desert island?
My DJ Booth. Music and my passion for it would only make it a bit more pleasant. Maybe I'd bring a fishing pole, too. (laughter :))
What makes you a Krug Lover?
Above all, I think KRUG has a unique character especially in a world of many differences. A product with a powerful story behind.
Can you describe your first sip of Krug?
My first experience with KRUG was during a meeting of “Les Grandes Tables du Monde”. What I tasted was a classic and complex glass, rich and luxurious. A glass that makes you think.
What is your favourite Krug food pairing?
I serve for almost 90% fish, shellfish and crustaceans. It’s the delicacy of these products that I admire. It combines endlessly with other flavours. Personally, I find raw shellfish and seafood products the best to pair with a glass of KRUG.
When is your favourite time to enjoy Krug?
I sometimes drink a glass of KRUG, late in the evening after the service. If fatigue strikes, a glass of KRUG works as a real invigorator to go at it again for a couple of hours.

The Jane

Anvers - BE
Paradeplein 1
2018, BE

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Krug Grande Cuvée
Krug Grande Cuvée
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